Thanks to all the creative, hard work that the lab produced despite the incredible disruption to our research activities over the past 18 months, NIGMS has awarded our group a 5 year, $2 million Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award. We are actively looking to recruit students and postdocs to our team to help us fulfill our vision to understand the role of systems-level organelle dynamics plays in regulating cellular metabolism and growth!

APS March DBIO is on….line!

While the cancellation of the APS March meeting was disappointing (but so necessary), we were excited to share our work on organelle size robustness anyway on the virtual “Physics of Organelles” session chaired by Lena Koslover. It was actually especially nice because the whole lab could revel in talks about the really awesome work from Matthias Weiss, Aiden Brown, Pierre Sens, and Matheus Viana – maybe a good model for the future of conferences?

qBio meeting recap

We had a great time showing off our latest work at the 13th annual qBio meeting in San Francisco, CA last week! One of the greatest things about this meeting is the dizzying array of biological topics covered – from therapeutic resistance in infection and cancer to aging – from a deeply quantitative viewpoint. Looking forward to next year!